emptying the CSA bag, originally uploaded by dcaCRL.
I talk a good game about healthy eating, but I have to confess that despite my best efforts, there are still nights we just order pizza, or times I can’t help but head for the nearest McDonald’s drive-thru. (Not for the boy, but sometimes a cheeseburger is the easiest way I can think of to get some protein, fast. I have given up the fry addiction, at least.) When I decided to focus on healthier eating, I set three goals:
- Eat more vegetables
- Eat more protein
- Eat more whole grains/fiber
Joining a CSA (community-supported agriculture) farm this year was a key step towards meeting the first goal. Having a steady supply of fresh veggies on hand is enormously helpful, so when we do resort to fast food, we can still add fresh veggies on the side. And for back-up, I always keep a few bags of frozen, organic veggies in the freezer. The boy will always eat succotash, peas & carrots, or edamame. (But not green beans. Yet.)
As for protein and whole grains, I’m trying to look for quick meals that will reduce our dependence on pasta (I’m Italian, it’s always the fall-back option!). I’ve been having a lot of fun with the fabulous selection of grains at Trader Joe’s, many of which will be featured here. And while we only eat meat a couple times a week, I started the boy off on tofu early in hopes of incorporating more non-meat proteins in our diet. So those are the three items I’ll be focusing on here. I’m always looking for new ideas, so please feel free to comment and share.
And if you want to know what the FoodieTot family is really eating every night, check out our Twitter updates.
4 responses so far ↓
1 Diet Foods » Blog Archive » confessions of an aspiring health nut // Oct 24, 2007 at 4:24 pm
[…] foodietots.com wrote an interesting post today on confessions of an aspiring health nutHere’s a quick excerpt [ csa bag]emptying the CSA bag, originally uploaded by dcaCRL … to fast food, we can still add fresh veggies on the side. And for back-up, I always keep a few bags … early in hopes of incorporating more non-meat proteins in our diet. So those are the three items I’ll […]
2 Healthy Diet » confessions of an aspiring health nut // Oct 24, 2007 at 4:26 pm
[…] foodietots.com wrote an interesting post today on confessions of an aspiring health nutHere’s a quick excerpt [ csa bag]emptying the CSA bag, originally uploaded by dcaCRL. I talk a good game about healthy eating, but I have to confess that despite my best efforts … early in hopes of incorporating more non-meat proteins in our diet. So those are the three items I’ll […]
3 Jill // Oct 25, 2007 at 2:36 pm
Good for you for getting O started eating right young! But how is L doing with the tofu 🙂
4 foodietots
Twitter: foodietots
// Oct 29, 2007 at 9:04 am
Yeah, I haven’t started the husband on it yet. I may have to sneak it in his food. 🙂